In this blog, we will be discussing ‘How to Learn French In France To Speak Like Native French Speakers?’ 

You’ve learn French in France for a while and are proud of the results. Sometimes, however, you feel that your French is still lacking. Perhaps there’s a part that you can’t pinpoint, or that you don’t feel confident speaking French.

It’s natural to want to sound professional. This article will show you how to learn French In France. It includes sentences, nuances, and a lot of tips.

You may have some rough edges in your French, but that’s nothing you can fix with a little polishing. But don’t worry. This is not a common problem. I have experienced this same dilemma many times.Learn French In France


How can one learn French in France so well?

Perhaps they would be surprised to discover that native French speakers are able to raise their eyebrows in pleasant surprise?

…that listeners’ jaws would drop at your level in finesse?

You’d be amazed at the fluency of your French and your friends would compliment you on it, thus cementing your status as a Francophile Extraordinaire. You can really waltz through France like a native French speaker and can joke with the locals as if you were one of their own. Let’s get started, without further delay.


  1. Improve your pronunciation

Although this is a simple concept, it deserves to be highlighted. It’s obvious that you cannot sound authentic unless your pronunciation is perfect. It’s okay to sound confused and like you’re talking in a mumble. If this is you, then you need to work on your pronunciation. It can help you learn French in France a lot.

The Ultimate French Pronunciation Guide should be helpful. Learn to master the basics of liaisons. These little details can make or break your French.


  1. Be a bit less formal

You don’t speak English like you just read Jane Austen books. You will sound pompous and know-it-all if you do.

The same goes for French. You may not be able to understand the French you have learned in textbooks. These tips will help you understand everyday French fluently and sound legitimate.

Learn French in France when you should use tu rather than vous.

You can use the contracted forms of tu, such as t’as for tut as and t’es for tu es. Contracted tu can also be used with verbs beginning with a vowel, such as t’ouvres for the tu openings or t’aimes for the tu closings.

Eliminate the negative ne. You can use “je sais pas” instead of “je ne sais Pas”, which will sound informal.

You can use est-ce-que or inversion type questions instead.

Learn French In France


  1. Spend time improving your listening skills

This one is a no-brainer. Speaking and listening go hand in hand. If you have trouble understanding the words of a native speaker, you won’t be able to speak fluently in French. Here are some listening exercises that will help you get started. This handy guide will show you how to make listening in French a habit. It can help you learn French In France a lot.


  1. Use slang

French, like any other language, has many colloquial terms. You can learn French In France a lot. Instead of sounding like an outdated textbook, speak “real” French. You will be able to understand a large chunk of the words that actual French speakers use. It sounds more natural and less formal. French slang is your new friend.

Additionally, because slang terms can be offensive, there are annotations in the slang section of the course to help you identify offensive and common words. This way, there won’t be any unnecessary arguments while you just try out your new French terms.

You can use some NSFW swear terms every once in a while, which will make you sound more native. You’d be in trouble if you used it among strangers or new acquaintances.

However, your French-speaking friends will love to hear swear words. They’ll be able to give you extra street cred and make you look like a badass.  It can help you learn French In France a lot.


  1. Use French expressions

Expressions, like in any language add color to a bland speech (read: Boo-ring!). French expressions can be hilarious, funny, and absurd at the same moment, as this article on French idioms demonstrates.

You will receive a weekly list of useful French expressions if you subscribe to the weekly newsletter or follow Talk in French on Facebook. In the case of the newsletter, there’s even audio. It can help you learn French In France a lot.

If you still want to learn more French expressions you can take the French Vocabulary Mastery course. 


  1. Dial down the enthusiasm

Would you believe that your enthusiasm could make you sound “French” if you tried to control it a bit?

Is this not amazing? Let me tell you more. You see, non-French speakers have a tendency to describe things with so much excited energy, using words such as “whoa!”, “wicked!”, “cool!”, “Awesome!” or “amazing!” or even the mind-bogglingly long word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!” if you’re really into the moment. You’re right! This is not something that French people do.

To sound more like a native speaker, reduce the excitement. French “ennui” isn’t just a stereotype. You can find out more about it here and other strange French habits. French people are known for their negative attitudes. If you want to sound like a native, it’s not a bad idea to pick up some phrases about complaining.

You can take it one step further by adding intensifiers like foutrement (extremely), completely), vachement, very or really, or de chez (really/totally) to your complaints.

Learn French In France


  1. Talk a little faster

You can also sound more French by speaking faster. This sounds scary? Nah, you can do it! These are some tips to speed up your speech

Try tongue twisters. Tongue twisters like “Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que je suis” (I am what I am, and if I am what I am, what am I ?) Practice speaking faster with “Ces Cerises sont si certains qu’on pas si c’en sont” and “Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que moi”

Fluent in French is the ultimate guide to learning French. You also get bonus material that contains French tongue twisters. This bonus material is included in the Complete Method Courses, such as the intermediate level one.

You can sing along to fast French music. You can find a lot of great French music to listen to. Sing along with the lyrics to improve your speaking skills. This article has 600 songs and includes lyrics. It’s incredible, I know. You can say thank you later.

Learn French expressions. You won’t feel any difficulties and you won’t need to use a lot more brain cells (which could slow down your speech) when using the expressions in conversation. You’ll soon be fluent in your conversations if you memorize a lot of expressions.  It can help you learn French In France a lot.


8. Say au revoir to “nous”

You can switch to “on” when talking about something in the first person plural, or equivalent English pronoun “we”. This is much more common in everyday conversations, but your boring textbooks probably didn’t teach you! It can help you learn French In France a lot.

Here are some other examples where you might choose “on” instead of “nous”.

When discussing an undetermined subject, or the English counterpart of “you”,

The equivalent to the English indefinite pronouns, “everybody” and “everyone”.

Remember that “nous” can still be used in formal conversations and imperative sentences.


  1. Contractions will be your new best friend

Do you know how English everyday is all about short words such as don’t and wouldn’t? French is similar.

Je suis becomes chuis, and tu as becomes tuas. Tu es turns into tuas, while tuas becomes tuas. Il yaa is shortened to y’a. Puis can also be pronounced pis, parce que, or queque.


  1. Use filler words or interjections to spice up your speech

To make your story sound authentically French, there’s nothing better than adding fillers to your story. It will flow naturally and sound amazing, plus you will have more time to think about what the rest of your words are.

These French words can be used in the same way as English words: “I mean”,” “actually”, and “you know what”, along with “I guess so”, …”,, and “So, okay”. This vocabulary can be memorized and you will use it regularly – stat!

Learn French In France


Here are some common filler words:

Alors: This is the English equivalent of “so” in English and can be used in either a negative or positive manner.

Quoi is a French filler that literally means “what”. This is used at the end to say “you know” or something similar.

Tu vois?: works in the same way that “you know?”

Euh is the French “uh”, or “um”

Donc: Used to emphasize a question or command.

Eh bien: Similar to “well …”

Voyons is the same as “let’s see”

Hein?: Works exactly like “eh?” at end of sentence.

Bon: This is the same as “OK” and “fine”, but it can be used to express positive or negative emotions, depending on how it is used.

Common interjections

Oops! Oops!

Youpi! (yay!)

Hop la ! (Whoops! Like when you drop something

Chut! (shush! Or when you need someone to keep quiet

Merde! (shit!)

Ho! Ho!

He is! He!

Beurk! (yuck!)

Chiche! (go ahead !) Used as a dare to continue.

Aie / Ouie (ouch)


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